Flange Nut

About this product

The Flange Nut (#9008017206), a critical auto part utilized in Toyota's Body/Floor Side Member, Body/Side Member, and Engine-Fuel/Mounting systems, plays a vital role in bolting components securely. As its role suggests, the Flange Nut (#9008017206) is engaged in the process of securing various parts and panels, enhancing the vehicle's structural integrity. Over time, the Flange Nut (#9008017206) can wear out, risking the loosening of critical components. To mitigate such risks, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is recommended. Genuine parts are designed for maximum compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A well-functioning Flange Nut (#9008017206) contributes significantly to the vehicle's safety by ensuring the secure attachment of integral components, thereby enhancing the overall operation and safety of your Toyota vehicle.